Private Hearing Tests in Bolton

Hearing loss can creep up on you at any time. One morning everything is crystal clear and the next you’re asking people to repeat themselves. Although it can be frustrating, a hearing test can help you come up with solutions to your hearing loss sooner rather than later. 

Can You Have a Private Hearing Test?

Anyone can access private hearing tests and they don’t cost as much a you might think. When you go to your appointment, you’ll be assigned a dedicated consultant and have access to top of the range solutions. The consultant will address your issues, come up with options, and if need be, order tailor-made hearing aids.

The Cost of a Private Hearing Test

The prices for your audiology test depend on the type of hearing test involved, length of consultation, fitting, adjustments, and aftercare needed.

How Much Does a Hearing Test Cost?

In the UK, the costs of a hearing test vary depending on the provider and availability of an audiologist—a hearing specialist. Normally, the cost of an appointment ranges from £100 for standard tests to around £400 for special cases. The fees the audiologist will charge you are dependent on the diagnosis and what your follow-up needs are.

How Can I Test My Hearing Myself?

Most hearing tests are done in a soundproofed room but if you are at home, you can still do it in any quiet area. You’ll also need a pair of quality headphones or earplugs. With the ReSound online hearing test, you can evaluate your hearing in just three minutes. If results suggest hearing loss, please consult an audiologist and make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

When Should You Consider a Private Hearing Test?

Once you detect a change in your hearing, you should schedule a private hearing test. And though it may seem funny, if your family starts yelling at you because you didn’t hear what they said or because you are turning up the telly unnecessarily loud, it could be time.

Don’t assume that because you are below retirement age—usually when we start to notice hearing loss—it cannot happen to you. Though you shouldn’t be overly concerned—it could just be a build-up of ear wax—it’s always nice to make sure.

The rule of thumb, however, is to schedule a regular hearing exam at least every three years. If you listen to loud music, work in a noisy factory, or generally deal with loud sounds, it’s best to test more often. 

If you are over 60 years old, a test once every year is recommended. Also, if you experience symptoms like prolonged tinnitus or ringing in one ear, seek help as soon as possible.

What Are The Advantages of Private Hearing Tests?

Private hearing tests are affordable, top quality, and accessible. Better yet, pharmacies and opticians offer these tests at competitive prices.

If an audiology assessment indicates that you have hearing loss, you are eligible for a free hearing aid. However, NHS hearing aids are behind the ear (BTE) and are not necessarily one-size-fits-all. Still, it’s always a good idea to start by trying a free NHS aid. If that doesn’t work, you can always buy another one. 

Of most importance, however, a private hearing test addresses the worry you may have over your hearing. There’s no shame in admitting you may have hearing loss and audiologists understand this. They are here to find solutions and help you.

The Hearing Test Explained

A hearing test is simple but the procedures involved depend on the clinic you visit. If you make an appointment, you meet a doctor or audiologist who starts by asking questions about your lifestyle. One’s leisure and work affect hearing, with some occupations posing more risk than others. After they analyse your lifestyle, you’ll proceed to different tests depending on the extent of the potential hearing loss.

How is a Hearing Loss Test Done?

With any hearing test, the goal is to test how well each ear picks up sounds or words. Hearing tests are normally conducted with an audiologist in a soundproof room and are noninvasive. 

In the test, patients wear headphones and press a button whenever they hear a noise through the headphones. These audiometer tests examine your ability to hear sounds of varying tones and intensity. Another simple test uses tuning forks. We’ll discuss these different tests a little later.

What Should You Not Do Before a Hearing Test?

Preparing for a hearing test is easy but there are some things you avoid. You should not expose yourself to loud noises or forget to clean wax from your ears. Also, if you fall sick, don’t go for your test since colds or allergies might affect the accuracy of results.

What Test Results Do You Get After a Hearing Test?

Hearing tests are easy and painless and after undergoing one, you will be one step closer to making your life better. A good hearing test reveals whether you have conductive, sensorineural, or mixed hearing loss. 

You can see the results of the test on a graph called an audiogram. The chart features the intensity and pitch of sounds that you can hear. Normal hearing falls around 0 to 25 dB HL, moderate hearing loss at 41 to 70 dB Hl, and profound hearing loss at over 91 dB HL.

Different Types of Hearing Tests

The most common hearing tests you will receive at a clinic include:


This test checks the condition of the tympanic membrane or the middle ear, eardrum, and conduction bones. The test uses air pressure and is painless.

Speech Audiometry

This simple test uses speech, words, and sentences to examine the patient’s capabilities for hearing and understanding.

Pure-Tone Audiometry

The behavioural test checks the sensitivity of hearing. The pure-tone thresholds (PTTs) determine the softest sounds that a typical patient hears.

Video Otoscopy

The test utilizes an otoscopic device that enables the audiologist to see the eardrum and ear canal. The video otoscope offers reliable evidence for hearing loss diagnostics.

Final Thoughts

Going for a private hearing test is a simple, no-muss-no-fuss process. Most of the time, it’s a matter of pride holding someone back from it. But there’s no need to be prideful! Private hearing tests are affordable, insightful, and so important in maintaining the health of your ears.

Fresh Hearing Ltd